The Nine Skills Required to Double Revenue This Year

If you’re not achieving your goals, it’s time to reassess and get back on track. This video will give you the nine skills you need to double revenue this year.

I cover:

  • How to achieve twice as much of what matters in half the time.
  • How to double your revenue.
  • How to remove yourself as the bottleneck in your business

To learn more about Moneeka Sawyer of Real Estate Investing for Women, and to listen to the full episode, go to

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[00:00:00] Moneeka Sawyer: Okay, David. So we are in extra. And so I’m really excited. We’re talking about the nine key skills that business owners need to have to double their revenue. Right? So I’m just going to turn that over to you so you can get us through those.

[00:00:14] David Wood: Thank you. So most business owners who come to me want. Even if it’s not their primary goal, more money is better than less money.

[00:00:21] David Wood: So we want to double revenue, but that’s not a lot of use to you if you’re working 70 hour, 80 hour weeks or even if you’re working a 40 hour week and you’d really like 20 more hours to yourself to spend time with your kids, to write a book, to swim with dolphins, to go paragliding, to meditate or whatever it is that’s or volunteering.

[00:00:47] David Wood: I created a program designed to double revenue and your time off. And while we’re at it, let’s be a more extraordinary entrepreneur and human. And I found nine key areas. If I’d had 50 key areas, it’d be too complex and too overwhelming. So I boil it down to the nine most essentials. And even that I’ve boiled down to three big buckets.

[00:01:08] David Wood: So the first bucket is. Productivity. I want you to achieve twice as much of what matters in half the time. And the second bucket, I’ll mention the three buckets and then we’ll go back through it through each of them. The second bucket is your money. We want to really double that revenue. And the third bucket is your leverage.

[00:01:30] David Wood: Do you have a team making this happen for you? Because usually you are the. And your own business. So if we go back through each of these buckets or three areas in each of them, and what I want you to do listeners is to assess yourself in each of these areas. Now we can do a very broad brush approach here on extra.

[00:01:50] David Wood: And I’m going to give you a link at the end of this, to a training, which we’ll do a thorough version for you to take you by the hand and have you color code yourself. So red is terrible. I’m lousy at this. Orange is I’m okay. But it needs work. And green is I’m rocking. I do not need work on this. And the reason I want you to color code yourself here is so that at the end of this, you will know which three are your projects for the next three months.

[00:02:22] David Wood: You will know what to work on. That’ll be your plan to double revenue. Okay. So number one is plotting your course. Your green in this, if you are crystal clear on your goals at 12 months, three months, seven days, and then daily, that’s a green. If you don’t have that, you might be a red or an orange. The next step is usually in week two.

[00:02:51] David Wood: We look at. How is your productivity? When you sit down to do something, can you crank it out? How efficient most people are really lousy at this. They feel busy, which is different to being productive. Now, if you’re a machine, you know exactly what to do. You sit down for hours, six hours, crank it out. Conch, get distracted.

[00:03:13] David Wood: That’s. Anything short, it could be an orange or red. The third one in productivity is your mindset. When you like yesterday, I heard about a shooting at my local supermarket here in Boulder, Colorado. Do you get thrown when there are problems or challenges, do you go into fear? There’s a pandemic recently?

[00:03:39] David Wood: Do you, you know, do you get thrown in, do you live in fear and have trouble sleeping or do you welcome problems? Right. I’ve got one client sent me an image that said I eat problems for breakfast. We want to cultivate that mindset. So the coming from an open, open heart and an open mind when things, you know, challenges throw you you’ll make more.

[00:04:01] David Wood: I promise. All right. So that’s the first bucket, which is productivity. The second bucket. We want you to make more money. So in week four, we look at your leads. Do you have a flood of leads? If you have more leads that you can handle, that’s a green. If you’ve got a trickle of leads, that’s a red then in week five, how’s your conversion.

[00:04:25] David Wood: Do you have a high conversion rate? When people come to your website, they go into your email sequence and then they they eventually buy from you. If you, if your conversion rate is high, then you’re agreeing. If it’s really low, then that’s a red. And then the third piece in making more money is loving your existing customers.

[00:04:48] David Wood: Loving them up. It’s so easy to keep chasing for a new customer, a new client, but how are your upsells? If you’ve got a wonderful upsell sequence and customers repeat buying from you and buying high ticket items, if you’re getting a constant stream of referrals, a constant stream of testimonials to put on your site, your green in this area.

[00:05:15] David Wood: Anything short than you’re an orange or red. All right. So I want to pause for breath. Those are the first two buckets. Anything you want to say about those money could before we do the last bucket, which is about leverage.

[00:05:27] Moneeka Sawyer: No, I love those. That was great. Thank you. I can just totally muck it up, but let’s not do that.

[00:05:33] David Wood: All right. The third, third bucket, we want to remove you as a bottleneck in your business. So in week seven, we clarify your jeans. What is unique to you that you are great at and that you love to do. And then there everything else. We want to get that off your plate. If you already know exactly what your genius is and the stuff that is not your genius, then score yourself a green on this one.

[00:06:06] David Wood: If not be red or orange in week eight, we look at. Hiring talent, harnessing talent. This is, I often think this is a, my, my true job, not coaching or speaking, because it’s so important finding the right people in the business, and there are ways to do it. There are long, hard ways to do it, and you can get the wrong people, which is tremendously expensive.

[00:06:32] David Wood: So if you’re, if you’re amazing at getting the right talent at a great price, then give yourself a great. If you’ve got more to learn, you’re an orange or red. And then the last piece we need to motivate that talent, have them be lit up motivated and accountable. So if you are, you already got systems in place.

[00:06:55] David Wood: So your team knows exactly what to do every week. They’ve got quarterly goals, they’ve got their weekly goals. They totally accountable. They get in touch with you. If a deadline is going to be missed and renegotiate it, give yourself a. Anything shorter that you’d be a red or an orange. So that’s the laser version of the nine skills that I’ve identified a most important.

[00:07:18] David Wood: If you’re going to double revenue over the next 12 months and your time off and be more extraordinary, circle three of these, hopefully you’ve been writing these down. If you didn’t, don’t worry. I’ve got a more in depth training. We’ll give you, but circle three of these, you work out. This is what I’m going to work on over the next three months.

[00:07:40] David Wood: That’s your plan? That’s your focused plan? Sure. There are a hundred things you could do work on these three things, get them to green and the chances of you increasing your revenue and your time off go up biological.

[00:07:57] Moneeka Sawyer: Wow. I just love that. So talk to us a little bit, a bit more about the in depth training.

[00:08:02] Moneeka Sawyer: You did say it in the first part of the show too, but go ahead and just remind us real quick.

[00:08:06] David Wood: Yeah, sure. It’s a 35 minute video where like graphs and I take you through it and I give you more detail about what you need to know to double revenues. So it’s a really great training. If at the end of that training, you feel.

[00:08:19] David Wood: This is exactly what I need, or I know the plan I’d like help implementing it. Then you may be a fit for the same year I program. I can’t take everybody. If I did it, wouldn’t be a very good program. I type the people I know I can generate results for, but you’ll know at the end of the training, if you’re a fit for it or at least you’ll have a good sense of it.

[00:08:42] David Wood: And then. There’ll be a mechanism where you can reach out to me. We’ll get on the phone to a 15 minute call and, and, and make sure that you’re a fit. And if you’re not, I’ll tell you super politely and I’ll likely point you in the right direction. There might even be another coach I can recommend for you.

[00:08:58] David Wood: If you are a fit well, buckle your seatbelt. Get ready for ready for a good.

[00:09:04] Moneeka Sawyer: I love that. And the website for that is my focus

[00:09:09] David Wood: That’s right. It’s a, it’s a shortcut to take you to my, my website, which is focus dot CEO. But you, if you go to focus dot CEO, you can’t get the gifts because they’re not public.

[00:09:20] David Wood: So my focus gift takes you to a hidden page. On that site, where you get the checklist to double productivity and there’s video training, which I’m very proud of. I hope you really enjoy it. And if you think we might really do some good work together, I’d love to hear from you. This is, this is how I find the right people to work with.

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5 Steps to Double Your Business

Free 6 min video reveals how to double revenue by staying focused, achieving more, and becoming a more extraordinary entrepreneur and human.