I had a great talk with Rennie Gabriel about the tough conversations we avoid about our money. He even got me to set up an automated savings plan, and at the time of writing there’s already $800 in there. 10 years from now I’m going to be super happy I met Rennie.
Rennie is a TEDx speaker and the author of the award winning, best-selling book, Wealth On Any Income. After two divorces and a business failure he was flat broke at age 50 and started all over from scratch. After learning what was NOT taught from all his financial education he became a multi-millionaire in just a few years. He has helped thousands of people avoid the financial downward spiral. Now he donates 100% of his profits to charity. It’s amazing!
In this episode, we talk about:
- Why looking at our finances can be scary
- The tough conversation about debt we avoid
- The tough conversation we need to have about expenses
- The tough conversation about paying yourself first!
- WHY paying yourself is so critical
- How to get your money working for you – while you sleep
- The enormous upside to facing your finances and wealth plan
- The 6 Areas of Support you need (Tip: don’t try this alone)
- How and why 100% of Rennie’s profits go to charity!
Take a listen and let me know in the comments, what’s the hardest thing about confronting your finances?
You can find out more about Rennie Gabriel here.