E035: #MeToo: Should men be castrated, or cultivate their inner delicious beast? with Saida Desilets

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It can be a pretty scary world right now for men with the “Me Too” movement hanging over our heads. And it can be challenging for women to set boundaries and still express all of who they are. Saida and I talk about how we can navigate arousal and the masculine and feminine energies in the workplace with truth, openness and dignity on both sides.

We cover:

  • Increase safety by INCREASING arousal
  • Welcoming your own arousal without requiring reciprocity
  • I talk about pain from my youth, feeling excluded from the feminine.
  • How a woman can redirect masculine energy from predator to protector
  • How men need to speak up and educate their brothers

Dr. Saida Désilets wants to live in a world filled with audacious, sexually sovereign women, living life on their own terms.

Saida is renowned for being the founder of the modern Jade Egg movement and visionary spokesperson for sexual Sovereignty, and has created The Daring Project—assisting women to audaciously move from being a victim to confidently thriving in life.

You can find out more about Dr. Saida Desilets at her website www.DareYourDesire.com.

Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments.

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