How To Achieve Momentum In Your Business (every single day)

The most successful people in the world are those who create momentum. It’s a fantastic feeling to wake up every day and know that you’re moving your business forward. This video shares how to start building momentum TODAY!

I cover:

  • Discover how a coach can move you into big picture thinking.
  • Why accountability partners are a MUST to achieve momentum.
  • Realise why 4D Audits matter for exceeding expectations.
  • Are you aligned with your goals?
  • The CEO Date: why it’s so important.
  • Solve whether or not you’re gambling with your business.


To learn more about Ross Marino of Outcomes Podcast and to listen to the full episode, go to

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[00:00:00] Ross Marino: Your typical CEO entrepreneur, probably a quick start. They’re going to dive in. It’s not going to be as complete as maybe you would like it to be, but if we start off, do we hit the point of good enough as good enough? Or how do you approach that?

[00:00:16] David Wood: This is such a big question, because the question is when you have impetus or a little bit of momentum to do something, how do you keep it.

[00:00:25] David Wood: How do you keep it? How do you have the follow through? Because the mind is like a monkey on crack and it’s kinda zipping. And you’re like, I might be thinking in a minute, I be thinking about the TV show I watched last night. One way that I know. And I’m I’m I acknowledged that I’m biased. Cause I’ve, I’ve been coaching for 20 years.

[00:00:45] David Wood: And at some point recently I had five coaches for different things in my life. So, but one way is to work with a coach. The coach is there to make sure that things don’t drop and don’t slide. And every week you’ve got to come back and talk about what you did and what you said you do, and you didn’t do so that’s that’s one way, another way.

[00:01:05] David Wood: Which usually I recommend in combination with coaching is to block off time in your calendar for. And show up for those dates. That’s the other thing. Cause people block off time, then they get busy and they don’t do it. That’s again where the coach comes in, but you can block off time and say, all right, every Monday morning is leveraged time.

[00:01:25] David Wood: Now you said, I would have maybe I’d have you start with a 4d audit. That’s not where I would start. I think it’s really important, but where I usually recommend people start is where are we here? Where do you want to be 12 months from now? If we were working together for 12 months and we fast forward, and now we’re celebrating and looking back, and I got this question from Dan Sullivan, what would have to have happened for you to feel really happy with your program?

[00:01:56] David Wood: Lists three big business goals that would have you doing a happy dance and calling everybody and saying, this is so awesome. And then three big personal goals. So we start with that. So we have something at stake, otherwise who cares. What’s the point of focusing and we don’t even know why we bother. And then if you’ve got that, we work.

[00:02:20] David Wood: All right. Once you’ve got that, the next step. And I just gave a new client this homework this week, what’s the three-month milestone for each of those goals. We’re just layering the goals. Now it’s not that complicated. Okay. Three months from now, this would have me do the happy dance and then every single week, you need to know what your weekly action plan is.

[00:02:41] David Wood: Even if you’ve just spent five minutes. But every week you need to know, all right, this week, these are the things that I’ve consciously chosen. Again, to make the biggest difference in my business. And if you have that date with yourself once a week, then I have confidence. If you show up for that date and do it say let’s say 12.

[00:03:04] David Wood: So that’ll get you through three months, do 12 dates with yourself, just for say 10 to 20 minutes where you choose consciously. This is what matters for the next seven days. And this is what does not matter for the next seven days. It’s going to be an absolute game changer. And your business. And then once you’ve got those things in play, and by the way, I’ve got a checklist with all of this stuff, we can give it away at the end of this interview, if you like.

[00:03:29] David Wood: Once you’ve got those things in place, then I would say, do the 4d audit and start offloading. And I don’t think you’re going to slow down and stop, or at least your chances are better because you’ve got that regular date with yourself where you’re going to have to come back and look what matters, what doesn’t matter, what matters, what doesn’t matter.

[00:03:48] David Wood: I can’t stress this enough. If you don’t have that structure, then yeah. You’ll get lost. You’ll get lost your fall off the horse. And you may not get yourself back on the horse.

[00:03:59] Ross Marino: We have a process in our practice called the transit is process and it’s four steps. It’s very quick and it’s easy. This is what we ask people when they call us for the first time.

[00:04:09] Ross Marino: And it’s usually because there’s some life event, some disruption and, and they need to deal with it. And the first is what’s going on, followed by how did you get. Questions three and four are, what are you thinking? And then four is how do you feel? And the reason how you feel is so important to us is not only do people need to recognize the state they’re in of this is where I’m at.

[00:04:33] Ross Marino: And obviously they don’t want to be there. We then do the bonus question, which is, well, how do you want to feel if you resolve this? How would you feel when you tie that into the goals? Now, I think you have a little more juice than. Is that something that you dig in, do you try to get to where someone’s mindset is and how they’re settled and personal and spiritual growth?

[00:04:55] Ross Marino: I mean, how do you, how do you include,

[00:04:57] David Wood: that’s a great question. I so I was just talking to a business owner recently. He sells software as a service and I wasn’t buying it that he really wants. To keep working on his company for the next year and a half, because he said he wanted an exit plan and he wanted to exit for 10 million.

[00:05:15] David Wood: But when I dug deeper, it seemed like he was pretty close to it right now. Like, why don’t you exit now? And I pushed him because I was looking for the motivation what’s what’s going to have you week after week show up and make. If we can’t find the motivation, is this just entertainment nothing’s going to really happen?

[00:05:35] David Wood: So what we do, what we discovered is he’s not done yet. He could exit now for 10 million, but he’s not done. There’s another product he wants to bring to market. There’s low hanging fruit. He wants to really boost the multiple that he’s going to get. Not just for the money. He doesn’t need it for the money he wants to be.

[00:05:53] David Wood: So then I was like, okay, that sounds like a motivator. You’re not done with this business yet. Now, something else for us, very excited that you brought up this concept of how do you, you know, people get excited, they get started, but how do you stick to it? I think I’m often delusional. I tell myself all sorts of stories and one story that I think we tell ourselves is I can make massive change alone now.

[00:06:20] David Wood: Some people can, sometimes it happens. He was a bolt of lightning. ECOT, Tali woke up one day, said I can’t live with myself. And then he’s brain went myself. Who’s that? And he had an epiphany. Right? Sometimes it happens, but more often than not, we delude ourselves, we think, all right, I just heard this on a podcast or I read this in a book.

[00:06:41] David Wood: I’m going to go and bring this into my business. It usually doesn’t happen. I just had a guy two weeks ago. He was like, yeah, I need help. Okay. What do you need? All right. Boom, boom, boom, boom. All right. What’d you like? What’d you like help? He’s like, well, let me try it on. Look, it’s a valid move to go and try it on your own.

[00:07:02] David Wood: The thing is he’s gambling with his business and he’s gambling with his life. And what I think he doesn’t realize is that most people who say that will fall off the horse and not find their way back to the horse. And he, and he’d told me I’m sick of bumbling around at the $3 million. I think that in a year, there’s a good chance.

[00:07:24] David Wood: Unless he puts in some solid structures, which usually involves some, some third-party accountability, it doesn’t have to. But unless he does that, I think a year from now, he’ll still be in his patterns because we are creatures of. And so I just wanted to bring that up. I normally don’t talk about it, but I think we delude ourselves and that’s fine again, unless what we want, what our goals are as something that really matter if we really want, I would say don’t gamble with that.

[00:07:56] David Wood: Like get all the help. You can line up your friends, go and get a therapist, get yourself a coach, put yourself in a mastermind, whatever it is. So you can bust out of your pattern.. And, and actually get to those goals, which hopefully includes some work-life balance.

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