Could You Say This On Your Deathbed?

There is nothing wrong with trying to make more money. But when it consumes you, you’re just selling yourself out.

In this video, I explain:

  • Why it’s crucial to be abundant with your bank account, in life and relationships.
  • What you can do so you’re not rich and miserable.

I also give a peek into Name That Mouse and the Kickstarter Campaign that launches on June 15th 2021, at

Being transparent and real gives people a choice on whether they want to be in a relationship with the real you or not.
– David Wood


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Dr Ray: [00:00:00] Specifically for men, you know, revenue grabs our attention. If I can increase my income, I’m going to be happy. Right. But when it really comes down to it it’s really helping them become abundant, not just in the bank account, but abundant in life and abundant in their relationships.

David Wood: [00:00:17] Yeah. It’s about freedom.

And that’s why, if you’re watching the video now, you’ll see I’ve got some bright orange wings and the wings to me represent freedom and more money is better than less money. And it can definitely take the pressure off. But ultimately, I do think the real rewards, you can have a lot of money and still kill yourself because you’re suicidal and just absolutely miserable.

And I have met people who’ve got nothing and they’re extremely happy. So I think let’s put attention on making more money, but if that’s all you’re doing, I think you’re selling yourself short. Because when you are on your death bed, you’re not going to go, man, I’m so glad I made that million. You’re going to go.

This is what I hope you’ll say, I spoke the truth to people. I showed who I truly am. I told people when I love them and when I appreciated them. When something didn’t work for me, I said no to it, this doesn’t work for me. When I wanted something I asked for it. Even if I didn’t get it, I still asked for it.

That’s what I want for every person on the planet.

Dr Ray: [00:01:20] So, where can someone pick up this book? Or when can someone pick up this book?

David Wood: [00:01:24] I’m glad you asked. We’re launching the Kickstarter Campaign. So what I decided, because with my last book, I put so much work into it, without engaging with the world. And this one, we’re doing something different.

We’re doing a Kickstarter Campaign. We’ve already written a trailer for the book, which is a 15, 20 page PDF with beautiful illustrations of the six different kinds of mice that you want to name. And. If we raised just $1,500, that’s it. That’s our test to the Universe. We just raise $1,500 with the Kickstarter Campaign, we’ll write the full book. And if we don’t, we’ll say, Hey, maybe the world doesn’t love this as much as we do. So I have a URL if it’s okay, where people can go and start a campaign. You go to We’re launching the Kickstarter, so this is time sensitive, June 15, 2021, this year.

And it’s just for 30 days. So if you happen to catch this podcast in that time, you can be part of the Kickstarter Campaign. You can get the trailer. You know, give us $3. We’ll give you the trailer. And it’s an amazing little mini book. And if you hear this after the Kickstarter campaign, then you can still go to that link and get the trailer.

And you might even be able to buy the full book.

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