Being CAUSE in Your Life (and Business)

What does being CAUSE mean? It’s simply being CAUSE in life. Such as being cause in how your relationships go. Being cause in your own health and your energy. Being cause in how your job goes in your career path, or cause in how much money your business makes and how many people you impact.

I cover:

  • The synergies between CAUSE and overcoming shiny object syndrome.
  • How being CAUSE allows you to focus.
  • What do to do you stay in CAUSE.

It’s fun to be adrift on the ocean enjoying the sights, but it’s also fun to set your sail, pick a direction, and take charge of the steering wheel.
–  David Wood

To learn more about Moneeka Sawyer of Real Estate Investing for Women, and to listen to the full episode, go to

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[00:00:00] Moneeka Sawyer: I always tell people there are a million ways to make a million dollars in real estate, but you do have to pick one. And what that means is that you can’t consistently constantly engage with this sort of shiny object syndrome. It takes focus, it takes taking action focused action. Right. So could you talk a little bit about sort of that shiny object syndrome and how to move away from that to having sort of pieces.

[00:00:26] Moneeka Sawyer: I focused, you know, focus mind. Right. So you can take focused action.

[00:00:31] David Wood: Okay. So the, the, the question is, is the human mind like a monkey on crack that’s one question. And is it actually important to overcome shiny object syndrome and focus? Well, it depends if you want to be cause in your life. And I really mean that if I’m not setting, setting, setting this up it’s one way to enjoy life is just surrender and be with the flow, wake up, check, email, check voicemail.

[00:01:02] David Wood: Do what feels natural. That’s a valid way to operate. And some of the teachers that I followed speak a lot about don’t do just be now. I think there are times to do that. However, another game that’s really great to play in life is being caused in the matter. Being cause in how your relationships go being, causing your own health and your energy being caused and how your job goes in your career path or cause in how much money your business makes and how many people you impact.

[00:01:36] David Wood: Now I’m a fan of that game a lot of the time. And that’s, that’s where coaching comes in for me now as human beings, I do believe the human mind. Has become like a monkey on crack. And if you, if you disagree with me, just sit down this afternoon at some point, set the timer for five minutes and count your breaths, close your eyes, count your breaths.

[00:02:00] David Wood: See how many breasts you get to before you’ve drifted away. The mind has taken over. It’s talking, thinking about your socks or what you want to order on Amazon or some business problem or someone who insulted you, whatever. And now when it comes to say your own business, it’s even worse because entrepreneurs can see all the opportunities.

[00:02:22] David Wood: We see all the target markets. We want to help all the problems that we want to solve. All the solutions that we can come up with and all the traffic sources we’re going to try and try and use. It’s overwhelming. Now, if you’re happy to surrender or if entertainment is your goal, keep doing it. I really made it.

[00:02:42] David Wood: It can be fun. I’ve got days where I do that, but if you want, let’s say you’ve got a goal of you want to double revenue in the next 12 months. Well, okay. If that goal matters to you and maybe you want to double your time off, so you’ve got more time to spend with your kids or write that book or go swim with dolphins or volunteer in prisons, whatever it is, then it starts to matter.

[00:03:05] David Wood: And we need to actually focus so that we can be at, cause if you don’t do it, you will be at the effect of life and you’ll be bounced around with other people’s agendas. It looked just checking email in the morning and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. Now. You’re working on other people’s agendas.

[00:03:25] David Wood: I caught myself this morning as just checking through for important. Mm. Yeah, right. That that’s so difficult. And then I found one and it required me to go to a website and just anti something to unsubscribe. And I’m like, wow, David, step away from the task. Let’s get back to being a cause. So I have some, some recommendations.

[00:03:47] David Wood: I’ll give you a few tips to help you focus. And then. At the end of the show, I’ll give you a cheat sheet. That’s got the full checklist. So firstly, you’ve got to know where you’re heading. So 12 months from now, what are the goals that would have you do the happy dance? Should you achieve them? Like if you and I were talking 12 months from now, looking back and celebrating and you’re dancing your ass off.

[00:04:13] David Wood: What would those goals be? Three big ones. You can have lots of little ones, but those should go in the drawer for when you’ve achieved the others. Because again, you know, I had a client I’ve got 20 goals. Is that too many? Like yes. Have three goals that really matter. Put the rest in a drawer. You’ll pull them out when the others had done.

[00:04:32] David Wood: All right. So that’s tip one, tip two. You got to lay the goals. Cause a year out is way too. It’s pine this guy, it doesn’t mean anything. So bring it back and have the three-month version. And then EV you need the seven day version. And what are you going to do tomorrow? So that’s tip to tip three. That’ll set you up for now, but what about next week?

[00:05:01] David Wood: What about the next week, week after? So super important. Have a date with yourself once. 20 minutes. That’s all I’m asking for 20 minutes with yourself, where you look at what you did and celebrate. You can literally pat yourself on the back like I’m doing now. If you’re watching the video and say, good job, I sometimes do something.

[00:05:25] David Wood: And I say, David, you’re a legend, great job doing that. We need that because you probably did 10 times more than you think you did then. The next part of that date is you look at your three month goals and you choose what you’ll do for the next seven days. This is what I will care about. All right. So those are three really important tips.

[00:05:51] David Wood: Now, how do you stay on track with that? Let’s suppose you do it. A lot of people put it in their calendar. They don’t even show up for that date with themselves. I can’t make you do. That’s where discipline comes in. Show up for the date. If I set it up for a while, where if I did not create my weekly action plan by one o’clock Friday mountain time, I had to pay $5 to somebody.

[00:06:16] David Wood: That’ll get your attention. So you set that up, but how do you stay on track? A tip for is book sprints in your calendar. You can’t expect to be a focus 24 7. That’s ridiculous. You got to tell your brain when it’s time. So for example, Wednesday, I have no calls scheduled. So that’s basically going to be a six hour sprint for me.

[00:06:43] David Wood: But other days I might have a two hour block and I say, all right, I got nine to 11. That’s my sprint. I set the timer and I set four specific goals because it’s two hours. That’s too long. I said a year’s too long. Two hours is too long. So I need to know what am I achieving in the first half hour, the second half hour, the third and the fourth.

[00:07:06] David Wood: And I got those four goals. And then I set the timer for twenty-five minutes game on. That’s a sprint that keeps me focused. Now you’ll find when you start doing this listeners, you might fall off the horse. Hey, that’s fine. You get distracted. You’re doing something else. You didn’t not doing what that goal is.

[00:07:25] David Wood: It’s written down. That’s the monkey mind. Oh, I got caught up in email or someone came and knocked at the door. Yeah. You’re going to have to learn how to God that time jealously got it. Put a sign on the door, talk to your family, let them know how important this is. Turn off all notifications phone on airplane mode.

[00:07:47] David Wood: The, you know, these things are more covered in the full check.

[00:07:53] Moneeka Sawyer: I love the way that you talked about game on.

[00:07:57] David Wood: It’s like a boss is waiting for your deadline, right? You are generating artificial accountability because if you have a boss that does it for you, okay. Hey, I need this by third, Thursday, three o’clock you’re working like crazy.

[00:08:11] David Wood: You’ve got to do that for yourself. If you just say, all right, I got three hours. I’m going to work on my website or. Bad news, working on your website is an infinite game, but when you constrain the resources to three hours and then even further twenty-five minutes and you’ve set a goal. So for example, when you and I are done with this, I am, I have a.

[00:08:39] David Wood: And a coaching offer and I need to tweak it cause someone’s about to send an email to a lot of people, as I just opened up a few coaching spots. So I’m going to do that. But working on the page is not a goal. Having the first draft done in 25 minutes as a goal. And then drafting the application form in 25 minutes is the second goal.

[00:09:02] David Wood: And then having a finalized could be the third goal, for example. So those are some tips to help you tame the monkey mind and focus also that you can be causing the matter and be directional. The metaphor I like to use is it’s fun to be a drift on the ocean, enjoying the sights, but it’s also fun to set your sail, pick a direction, get hold of the steering wheel and say.

[00:09:30] David Wood: The game is I want to get from over here to over there. Okay.

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