Secrets Destroy Confidence

Are you harboring secrets? I’ll let you in on a little secret: Secrets destroy confidence.

When you’ve got something locked inside that you don’t know is okay or not, it can lead to self-doubt.

I cover:

  • The question you might be asking yourself that points to a lack of confidence.
  • Why you’re doubting yourself and looking over your shoulder.
  • How you can live in YOUR version of integrity.

There’s a direct correlation between your level of integrity and your level of confidence.
– David Wood


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David Wood: [00:00:00] I just coached somebody last week, who didn’t come to me for confidence. She came to me because she wants to work at what’s next for her career. I said, okay, let’s do it. But as we’re talking, I could hear clues about a lack of confidence. And one clue was she ended most of her sentences with, does that make sense?

I said, well, let’s go into that. Why do you think you asked that at the end of almost every sentence? And she realized that she does doubt herself a lot. And then later in the session, she asked me if she should tell her, if she should reveal something to her current company, because she discovered that there’s something in the agreement that she made with them, that she won’t moonlight. She can’t work for any company that could be remotely a competitor. And she’s been doing a little work on the sideline and someone could interpret it as being in competition. She’s like, what do you think I should do? Do you think I should come clean and talk to them about it?

And it was such a great opportunity. I said, you don’t have to, but it’s going to hurt your confidence. Having secrets like that, having things where you’re not sure if what you’re doing is okay or not. If you’re not sure of the impact that’s going to have, you doubt yourself. You’re going to have to look over your shoulder.

Do you really want more of that in your life? It seems like you’re already second guessing yourself. How would it be if you are vulnerable with your boss and share what you’ve been doing and that you just discovered that it might break an agreement that you have, and then you’ll find out.

And she started getting excited by that. She was a little nervous and I, and what’s the worst that could happen? Boss might say, maybe they’ll fire you for coming to them and admitting that you were doing something that you just discovered may be wrong. Maybe they do that. But what are the chances? Not very high at all.

So I haven’t heard back about what happened, but it was clear to me that there’s a direct link between how much we are in our own version of integrity and how much confidence we have.

Samuel Hatton: [00:02:16] Yeah. And at the same time, it’s not up to you. I mean, you, as a coach, it’s not up to you what happens or what doesn’t happen because you’re coaching someone else’s life.

And I think that’s a misconception for people that haven’t done coaching before. It’s a little bit of a misconception of oh, I don’t want someone to tell me what to do.

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