E003 Jack Canfield: Will You Do Whatever it Takes?

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In this excerpt from Jack’s speech at my live CoachMBA event, Jack speaks about a coaching practice, but this is for anyone with a dream, anyone who needs to market or sell, anyone who gets stopped and doesn’t want to. Entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, go-getters. And anyone who wants to lead, better.


How hungry people are for inspiration and leadership.

Why everybody needs a coach

You won’t believe how many times Jack got rejected + What stopped him giving up

Once you give birth to an idea, you’ve got to get out and sell it!

How you can sell naturally and with passion, even when you’re not a salesperson?

Test-driving your product

How Tony Robbins trains his staff in the law of probability: “there’s always a van in New York City!”

The power of positive expectation

Massive action produces Massive results

Being willing to do whatever it takes

Being a Go-Giver, and what’s possible when we make the shift (including in the corporate world)


More on Jack at http://www.jackcanfield.com

See if you qualify for a free Discovery Session with David at https://focus.ceo/coaching

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